About DEI

The Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion provides leadership and support on matters relating to equity, diversity, access, respect and inclusiveness for all members of the George Mason University community.

At George Mason, the rich diversity of our students, faculty, and staff is an essential source of our institutional strength.

This office is committed to promoting institutional diversity, inclusion and equity, as well as supporting a culture of integrity and a community that values shared responsibility. It is our mission to build Mason into a world-class model of inclusive academic excellence.

As the face of the nation continues to change, “diversity” and “inclusion” have expanded beyond simplistic definitions to include the lives and experiences of persons from a growing array of backgrounds, cultures and identities. Diversity is dynamic, not static, and as such Mason will continue to reflect these changes with the understanding that a diverse learning environment is a benefit to all.

Decades of research have shown that diversity—nurtured in a welcoming and respectful environment—encourages critical thinking, reduces harmful stereotypes, and strengthens the ability to communicate, work and play across lines of identity and difference. Diversity enhances the learning experience by exposing and challenging us to consider, weigh and value the thoughts, experiences and practices of those different from ourselves.

These are essential skills for participants in a globally connected world, and Mason takes seriously its commitment to providing students with a richly diverse learning environment that cultivates their development into the able leaders and productive citizens that our nation and world demand.

DEI welcomes your support and involvement as we strive to advance Mason’s commitment to ensuring a diverse and inclusive learning, working and living environment.